The Best homemade snow recipe

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Need a sensory bin recipe for snow without having to use real snow? Look no further! This is my go-to fake snow recipe that’s super affordable, super easy to make and kids love it.

It is a great option when you don’t want to buy instant snow.

For indoor play or outdoor play, this is a super fun and easy snow recipe you can do! The best part is that you probably already have the ingredients at home.

DIY snow is fast to make, and fast to set up and if your little one is like mine, he spent 35 minutes playing with it – and that’s super long for toddler-time!

Update 2023: I make this snow recipe in my sensory classes and it is always a hit! you won’t be disappointed.

Homemade snow recipe

This post is all about how to make our homemade snow at home

DIY snow recipe Video

Learn How to Make Homemade Snow

Homemade snow recipe


  • 5 cups of baking soda
  • 1 cup of hair conditioner
Homemade snow recipe


  • In a large bowl pour 5 cups of baking soda followed by
  • Add one cup of hair conditioner.
  • As an option, you can add a few drops of Your favorite essential oil to make it a therapeutic experience.
  • mix well using your hands until the conditioner is evenly distributed (you can’t go wrong!)
  • that’s it! Go play


Tips for Sensory Play using Homemade Snow

Homemade snow recipe
  • Allow your toddler to help you pour the baking soda into the bowl after you measure it – this allows him to work on his hand-grasping skills, eye-hand coordination, hand muscles, and pouring skills

The Joy is in the process

  • Allow your toddler to feel the baking soda without mixing the conditioner first. Watch for signs of wanting to put this in their mouth and redirect if they do.
  • Toddlers are curious so they will want to explore using all of their senses.

Protect Your Area

  • When setting up a sensory bin use a catch-all mat, I use a very fancy $1 vinyl table cover. I also use a large container to put him in as he is still too little to work over the sensory bin only and likes to explore how materials feel if he pours them into his feet.

Add Fine Motor Skills Materials

  • or sensory bin accessories, all you need is something to scoop and something to pour the homemade snow into. My default is always a muffin tin container and some type of spoon.

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