No salt Playdough Recipe

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After learning that Playdough can be harmful to dogs if consumed, I wanted to create a recipe that was toxic free, edible-safe and still soft and fun to play with.

After a few tries and tweaks I created this no-cook- no salt Playdough recipe.

No Salt Playdough Ingredients

  • 1 Cup of all purpose flour
  • 3/4 Cups of water
  • 1 Tablespoon of oil
  • 1/2 Tablespoon Cream of Tartar
  • Food Coloring

As salt is usually the main ingredient in playdough to be used as a preservative, this recipe contains cream of tartar which is also another type of preservative. If you don’t have cream of tartar you can replace it with vinegar.

Because this recipe doesn’t have salt you will also notice that it is very soft, actually, amazingly soft!!I loved it!

How to make playdough without salt

Step 1: gather ingredients

Get yourself measuring spoons ans cups ready as well as the following ingredients to make this no salt Playdough recipe.

Mix in all dry ingredients plus the oil in a bowl.

Warm up the water in the microwave for one minute

Step 2: combine ingredients

Add the food coloring to the water and mix with a spoon.

Add the colored food to the bowl with the dry ingredients, and stir using a spoon.

Step 3: Knead the dough

when you can move the spoon any more or it is too hard, place the mixture into a tray or cutting board. Use your hands to knead the dough.

Step 4: Playdough is ready!

The Playdough should not be sticky or crumbly.

If the Playdough is sticky add some flour and contiene to knead for 30 seconds. Keep going until you have the perfect consistency.

If your Playdough is breaking up then it is too dry and it needs some moisture. Add some water and knead again until you have the perfect non-sticky mixture.

Print this no salt playdoufh recipe (no cook)

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