The One Year Old
Learning Checklist

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    Learn what your toddler should learn before their second birthday with this checklist

    Wondering if your child is on track with his learning development?

    Are you teaching them enough? too much? Follow this learning guide and understand exactly where your child is at and what else can you teach them during this year.

    Get to the pediatrician’s office and ace that 12-month-old checkup!


    Cherish every moment and enjoy every milestone


    Know exactly where your child is developmentally and stay on track


    Know exactly what to teach your toddler even if they are not in daycare.


    Create activities that are aligned to where your child is developmentally

    Hi, I'm Alexa

    I am a sensory teacher, bilingual mother, stepmother, and believer in learning through play. I am the voice and founder behind Kid Activities with Alexa and I have been helping children learn since 2004. My mission is to guide you to understand how your child plays, how to take that information, and provide them with the best activities that will foster learning, reach milestones and give him/her a head-start when entering Pre-K. All of this, while having fun with you and creating an everlasting bond.
    I teach this, through sensory activities and lesson plans to support you in your play-and-learn journey.

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