Get ready to Transform Your Child’s Play space From CHAOTIC to ORGANIZED!

in Just 5 DAYS!

YES! This challenge is completely FREE!

Join us for 5 days to a more calming and creative playroom


  • 5 emails with one challenge each day
  • Each challenges take about 15 minutes
  • Powerful toy decluttering checklist
  • Personal decluttering coach in your inbox
  • The best clean up song playlist to boost confidence your kids

Does this sound familiar?

Kids dump every basket of toys in the playroom, get overwhelmed by everything and leave without playing with much. Then you, spend hours each night putting everything back in the bins for the kids to do the something the next day.

It is like an overwhelming cycle, so many toys yet they don’t play with much!

If that sounds like your situation, then it might be time for the toy declutter challenge.

From Overwhelmed to
inner peace

I spent hours researching and testing different ways to present, organize or buy toys to create a playroom that would foster creativity.

Step one is to declutter the toys we already have.

Join me in for 5 days and get your home ready!


The toy declutter system works  for any space you have assigned to toys. From small spaces to large playrooms, get your toys organized and declutter for a more creative play area.

After a a lot of testing I created my own decluttering system that wouldn’t take hours each weekend (let’s be honest! we don’t have time for that) and a later on an easy system to organize and present toys to continue to foster creativity and learning through play.

Join me for Step 1 to a more peaceful play area:

Toy declutter!

Are you ready?


This 5 day Toy Decluttering Challenge is for you if...

Your kids have so many toys – yet they don’t play with them much

Your house gets messy with toys before you even finish cleaning it

You can’t remember when was the last time you made it from your bedroom to the kitchen without stepping or kicking a toy  on the way

You and your kids feel overwhelmed when it is time to cleanup the toys

Kids get bored even thought they have a ton of toys

Hey there! I’m Alexa.

I am a sensory teacher and advocate of play. I am the voice and founder behind Kid Activities with Alexa and I have been helping children learn since 2004.

My mission is to guide you to understand how your child plays, how to take that information and provide them with the best activities that will foster learning, reach milestones and give him/her  a head-start when entering Pre-K, all while having fun with you and creating an everlasting bond. 

I teach this, through sensory activities and lesson plans to support you in your play-and-learn journey.