What do toddlers learn through Art?

toddlers learn through Art, it is a fact! Toddlers can benefit a lot developmentally through art. Here are 7 reasons why!

You must think that toddlers are too young for art, especially since younger toddlers can’t even complete a craft or know how to use the materials properly, but the truth is, that toddlers as older kids, benefit tremendously through art activities.

toddlers learn through Art no matter the outcome of the project. It is the process, the experience and the exposure that counts.

toddlers learn through Art
toddlers learn through Art

Art is a great first educational enrichment activity for toddlers. They are naturally curious and love to experiment with colors, textures, and art tools.

  • Art helps young children to develop both gross and fine motor skills.
  • Painting can help your children communicate their emotions or feelings. Through the use of different colors, they can express themselves without the use of words.
  • Painting aids children to acquire hand-eye coordination.
  • Painting can be a great platform for children to discover their creativity.
  • Painting can help children learn sizes, shapes, patterns, and designs. These are all critical learning elements at pre-k.
  • Painting helps children develop their decision-making skills.

Display art project

It is important that no matter the result of the artwork you display it somewhere visible. Why? Because displaying their artwork says to your child he/she is valued.

They are accepted for who they are.  They are visible.  They are creative.  They are cherished.  They are individuals.  They are important.  They are competent – they completed something.  Their imagination is there for all to see, and it’s valued.  They are valued, appreciated, and respected.

The value of displaying art

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Importance for toddlers to Learn Through Art