Learn the power of storytelling for teaching literacy 

Join me and my special guest, Laura Shea from @litte.stories.that.stick, a former teacher and storyteller podcaster, as we embark on a 21st-century conversation about ways to teach literacy through play.

  • When: November 6, 2023
  • Where: zoom and live YouTube streaming
  • Time: 11 am EST  (Duration: 45 minutes)


In this interview, we will talk about all things literacy and how, as parents and caregivers, we can use stories to teach our children to love learning, make learning letters easier, and create lifelong memories with our children. Say goodbye to old methods like Letter of the Week! And say hello to play!

Parent & Caregiver Workshops: Educating the Whole Child

In today’s fast-paced digital age, raising a well-rounded child requires parents to be equipped with a diverse set of skills and knowledge. That’s why we’re excited to introduce a series of virtual parent workshops designed to empower and educate parents on essential aspects of childhood development.

Our workshops free will be centered around four foundational elements of raising the whole child:

We understand the challenges parents face in navigating the complexities of modern parenting, which is why these workshops aim to provide practical insights and strategies that will not only help educate the whole child but also foster positive, enriching parent-child relationships.

The Four Foundational Elements

  • Physical Development: We will explore the importance of nature, outdoor activities, nutrition, sleep, and promoting healthy physical development.
  • Social-emotional Development: Our sessions on social and emotional development will equip parents with tools to nurture empathy, resilience, and effective communication in their children.
  • Cognitive development: The workshops will cover strategies to stimulate creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
  • Language development: Finally, our language development segment will focus on early language acquisition, literacy-building activities, and fostering a love for reading and storytelling.

Themes And Holistic Parenting Approach

In addition to the core four foundational elements, our virtual parent workshops will address pressing themes such as screen-free parenting and promoting positive parenting techniques.

We believe a holistic parenting approach goes beyond just the individual elements of childhood development, encompassing broader aspects like screen time management and creating nurturing family environments.

These workshops will provide a comprehensive toolkit to help parents balance the digital world and the physical one, fostering positive parent-child relationships and facilitating optimal growth and development.

Join us in this exciting journey of parenting education, where we will equip you with the knowledge and skills to educate the whole child and raise happy, healthy, and well-rounded individuals.

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