Cookie-Cutter Painting for Toddlers

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If you have cookie cutters around you can make this fun activity with the kids. Cookie-cutter painting is one of my favorite activities to do – especially in the holiday season. The kids get to have fun and I get to have a one-of-a-kind wrapping paper design for our presents.

Plus! I haven’t met a single grandma that hasn’t loved to receive a gift wrapped in wrapping paper made by the grandkids! it’s a win-win!

Step 1: Set up the table

Set up your table, place a large piece of paper to cover the table, or give each child their individual 14×17 large paper to use. Keep around extra paper for those really loving the activity and wanting to make new designs.

Step 2: Prepare the Paint

Choose how many colors you will be using today. Is there a theme you are going for? a winter wonderland of blues and whites? how about Christmas greens and reds? or make it fun with a red/yellow/blue mix.

Place each color onto a paper plate or tray and place the cookie cutters on the table.

Step 3: Let’s Paint!

Show your child how to dip the cookie cutter onto the paint and stamp it onto the paper. Allow your child to experiment and use the different shapes, colors and materials available.

Don’t want to forget? Print it and save this Art recipe

This art activity is great to work on fine motor skills, creativity, color recognition, and more. Here are a few ideas on how you can use this activity with toddlers.

  • Learning Colors: Choose 1-2 colors you would like your child to recognize. During play, repeat the color often. “you made a yellow stamp” “wow! that star is yellow”
  • Learning Shapes: Find basic shape cookie cutters and set up a table to stamp different shapes. Reinforce the shapes they are holding, using and stamping with often during play.
  • Work on creativity: Allow your child to experiment with different shapes, colors and cookie cutter sizes. What happens when you put too much paint? too little? mix in the colors? allow your child to explore the materials in various ways to create connections between the materials being used.