what flour to make playdough? Plus Must-Try Playdough Recipes

Are you looking to make your own playdough? I think you are making the right choice but let’s talk about must-have ingredients and what are the best choices for flour, salt etc…

I personally love making my own playdough over store-bought playdough because of the feel and durability.

what flour to make playdough?

Flour is the main ingredient in most playdough recipes. Use all-purpose flour to make homemade playdough. You can substitute it with bread flour if you do not have all-purpose in hand.

After a few testing, I learned that whole-wheat flour will make the flour grainy and slightly brown. It won’t create smooth soft playdough.

Flour substitutes like coconut flour or almond flour won’t hold shape and will “melt” the playdough making it very sticky.

Bread flour works great!

All-purpose flour is edible safe but raw flour is at risk of having harmful bacteria, so if you have a baby that might put the playdough in his/her mouth, it is best to cook the flour at 300 degrees for 10 minutes in the oven before using it to make playdough. Let the flour cool down before creating your playdough recipe.

Homemade Playdough Recipe Ideas

If you are looking for inspiration for playdough ideas here is a collection of our favorite recipes we have done so far.

There are so many options you will want to make them all!

They are all easy to do and all but one needs to be made in the stove. Your kids will love each and every one of these!

The softest no-Cook Playdough Recipe ( My favorite!)

I have tested many different recipes, I have even tried to make my own, but when I need to make playdough for everyday playtime, I always turn to this recipe. It lasts a long time, it is really soft and the kids love it!

Softest No-Cook Playdough Recipe >>

Scented Playdough Recipes

Chocolate Scented Playdough

perfect for Valentine’s Day! A chocolate-scented playdough recipe that is both fun to play and smells amazing. All you need is some cocoa powder and you are set!

Chocolate Scented Playdough Recipe >>

Apple Scented Playdough

This is the perfect recipe to welcome fall! It does require to be cooked but that makes the scents blend together for a perfect blend! As a bonus it leaves your house smelling like fall.

Apple-Scented Playdough Recipe >>

pumpkin Spice Playdough

When I’m not thinking about apples for fall I am all things pumpkin! A perfect no-cook recipe to play during the autumn season.

Pumpkin-Spice Playdough Recipe >>

Cinnamon Dough for Ornament Making

this dough is perfect to bake in the oven and make Christmas ornaments. It smells amazing and the scent lasts for a really long time even after cooked. The ones we made last Christmas still smell amazing!

Cinnamon Dough Recipe >>

Taste-Safe Playdough Recipes

Confetti edible Birthday Playdough

This Playdough was so much fun to make! All you need is Teo ingredients. A warning note… It is edible safe but once the kids discover how delicious it is all they want to do is eat it.

Confetti Playdough Recipe >>

Edible Kool-Aid Playdough Recipe

This Playdough is not only edible-safe but is scented and the colors are really vibrant. It was my first attempt to do a non-traditional Playdough recipe and although it was a bit too sticky for us, we quickly learned that if that happens to you all you need is extra flour.

Kool-Aid Playdough Recipe >>

Allergy Friendly Recipes

Playdough without Flour

Want a 3 minute playdough? With no flour or no cream of tartar? this recipe is so easy to make and is super soft to the touch! best part? it only uses two ingredients!

No Flour Playdough >>

Playdough without Cream of Tartar

Who has cream of tartar anyway? skip it! and make this awesome recipe that will last for up to 3 months.

No Cream of Tartar Playdough Recipe >>

No Salt Playdough

Looking for a recipe that requires no salt? check this super-soft playdough! And because it doesn’t have salt, it is safe to have around your pets and it is super soft.

No salt Playdough Recipe>>

Creative Playdoughs

Did you know you can get super creative when it comes to Playdough? You probably know by know after seeing this massive list of ideas!

Glitter Playdough

If you ever buy a play dough kit online you will mostly get one with Playdough that has glitter. Skip buying them and learn how to make your own! Learn what the tips to make the perfect blend of glitter.

Glitter Playdough Recipe >>

Galaxy Playdough

Want a multi-colored glittered playdough? check this one out! it makes cook swirls perfect to be paired with learning lessons.

Glitter Galaxy Playdough Recipe >>Button

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