Marshmallow Sensory Bin to Work on Fine Motor Skills

These tongs are available at the Dollar store and are a great skill to prepare little ones for writing later on. It works on strengthening all those little muscles in the hand and finger that will give them the coordination and strength, later on, to hold a pencil and control it. To make this Valentine’s sensory bin, I purchased a bag of different-sized marshmallows. I topped the bin with foam wish cookies in red and pink.

These were also easy to grab with the tongs because of their shape, and I added some red gift stuffing to add color as well as to make playtime more interesting.

For some of the kids, this was their first time using tongs, and marshmallows are a great way to start because they are soft, and when the tong pokes the marshmallow it sticks to it, reducing frustration for the kids.

For the babies, I did the same bin, but removed the string, and left only large-sized marshmallows; They loved exploring the taste of the


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