fizzy cubes: baking soda ice cubes experiment

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This science experiment is a lot of fun! You can do it with toddlers as young as one-year-old that no longer put things in his/her mouth.

To do this science experiment you will need baking soda, water, and vinegar. The chemical reaction that these ingredients have when mixed together creates awesome mini-volcano eruptions.

Freezing the paste is optional, but I like it to make different shapes if you do.

Hear the fizz here in this short Youtube clip

Follow the recipe below to create these fizzy cubes! My son had a lot of fun dropping the baking soda cubes inside cups of water mixed with vinegar and seeing the bubbles show up

Step 1: create the fizzy cubes

To create the fizzy cubes mix baking soda with a bit of water to create a paste.

As an optional add-on, you can add a few drops of food coloring to create the colored fizzy cubes.

Add the paste into your silicone mold of choice.

Step 3: Freeze and unmold

Place the silicone molds in the freezer overnight.

Once frozen, remove the paste from the mold and place in a tray. It should now have the form of the silicone mold.

On a small pitcher or cup, mix equal parts vinegar and water.

Pour the vinegar mixture over the fizzy cubes and see the chemical reaction happen.

fizzy cubes

Step 3: observe and learn

The chemical reaction will dissolve the fizzy cubes.

Let the kids practice with different tools

such as spoons, droppers and syringe.

Fizzy Cubes Baking Soda Experiment