Zebra Slime Recipe |a Zoo Theme Sensory Play

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For a zoo sensory activity, we did this perfect slime recipe and you need to try it too!

We first saw the idea on Pinterest and thought it was a perfect idea to make with the kids in class.

See how I did the slime in under 7 minutes and a few video clips from class! It was a total success.

The black and white stripe effect of the zebra slime won’t last indefinitely. Once you mix the two, it will just turn grey.

Follow the recipe below for a non-sticky slime recipe or watch the video for a more stretchy slime recipe version to do with older kids.


How to clean up Slime

This slime is based on glue, so it will still stick to clothing or hair! So keep an eye to make sure it is used properly.

Our rule in the house is we always play using a tray and “slime stays in the tray”. This prevents them wanting to create bad habits of walking around with the slime to places they shouldn’t and falling.

But toddlers being toddlers, our first try playing with slime in a second both of our kids (in separate houses and on different days) decided to see what would happen if you put slime in the hair!

Final thoughts

Slime is a fun sensory activity for kids of all ages. This non stick slime recipe is my favorite and the safest in term of mess to use with toddlers.

It saves well so you can use it over and over again and it’s stretching as is just right for little hands.

Want more slime ideas? try our two-ingredient slime, the fluffy slime, or our favorite rainbow puffy slime.

Play together, teach them how to play safely by keeping the slime on the tray, and have fun!